Miyerkules, Marso 16, 2011

Why Students(like me) shoud be serious to their studies?? What should they do??

In school their is so many things that can catch our attention like computer shops, malls, and even drugs. As a students we should be responsible to our decisions because our future is in our hands. We should be more serious in our studies so that we can secure a better future for us, not only for us but also for our family and for our future family.

As a student, we should focus to our studies than to play with computer, than to hang out with friends, and most specially than to use drugs. We can study without playing computer, without friends, without drugs. We can do it!!, all we need yo do is to pray and to seek guidance to our parents. Last!! we can study w/out GF/BF. HEHEHEHE!!!!! thanks for reading!!☻☻☻☻      

COLLEGE COURSE!! why student should take it??

We are all  familiar with college. In college their is so many course to choose from, like HRM, COM SCI, NURSING and so many others. A course in college is like a step to our dreams because it help us know more things about our dreams that can help us to fulfill it.

In my own opinion, students should take a course in college for them to be able to fulfill their own dreams. They should choose a course that can make them comfortable and that suits to their skill. In simple words we should take a course in college for our own future. I hope you understand my opinion!! thanks for  reading!!:-)    

I MYSELF!!!!!:-)

Everybody!! by the way I'm Michael John Delfin from Tabuc Sur, Panitan, Capiz. I'm born on December 4, 1993. My zodiac sign is Sagittarius. I'm a COM SCI student in Hercor College, Roxas City. My favorite computer games are DOTA(Defence of the ancient) and Crossfire. My favorite color are black and white.

I'm only a boy with a simple dream. My dream is to be a successful man someday, but before I reach that dream  I  should focus on my studies and have a patience to achieve that dream. My motto in life: "Hard Work, Determination, and Perseverance is not enough without Prayer". I hope you enjoy reading my blog!! Thank you!!:->      

Linggo, Marso 13, 2011

Why i choose Com Sci(Computer Science) as my course?

We are familiar with computers in a simple sense. Computers are found in most aspects of daily life, and for some it is hard to imagine a world without them. A computer is a machine which can take instructions, and perform computations based on those instructions. Now a days the computer is so important to us, so many people are using it every hour. You can use computer in so many ways like blogging, online chatting, even buying, gaming and etc.

Computer is not only for gaming and other kinds of personal needs but it can be also used in education, that's why I choose com sci(COMPUTER SCIENCE) course foe me to know more about computers, and I also want to increase my typing speed because I'm to say that I'm "slow hands". hehehehe!! Thank you for reading.:-)